Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Looking so grown up!

Gotta love the new Lumberjack outfit...and his first big boy haircut, courtesy of Grandma Dianne. :)

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My First Burrito

We are trying to get Baby Dude to eat some new foods, and decided last night that he would eat what Mommy and Daddy were eating...tough love, I know. So, I made him a little tortilla with some beans and cheese. He did pretty good with it too!

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Mouse-y Style!!

Mommy bought our Baby Dude this puzzle for Christmas and didn't even notice the mouse piece...of course, Daddy did and now refers to this piece as "doing it Mouse-y Style!" Tee Hee Hee!

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Our Little Drummer Boy

Who knew that pots and pans could be so much fun?!

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Fun with the dishwasher...such a big helper!

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He's Walking!!

Baby Dude started walking a few months ago and is a pro now!

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Christmas Present

Baby Dude got an inflatable ball pit for Christmas and he loves it!! Too bad it already has a leak....let's hope Toys R Us will replace it or we are going to have a very unhappy little boy on our hands! Posted by Picasa

Checking out the snow, all bundled up....

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Watching Daddy hard at work.

Colorado has been hit with constant cold and snow since before Christmas! We keep wondering when we moved to Alaska. The first storm brought 30inches, and we've had two more storms totally another 10 inches since. The main roads stay pretty clear but the side streets are a mess of ruts and pits.

Here is Baby Dude watching his Daddy hard at work: Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

We've got TEETH!!!!

Baby Dude didn't have any teeth until about 10mths, when his bottom two popped through. Then, nothing until about 16mths...poor kiddo got everything across the top, all the way back to his 1st molars!

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