Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hi Cheese!

This morning was hectic and I spent a lot of time on the phone. Poor Baby Dude was kind of neglected during all of this and I had left the TV on Nick Jr. It was long past time when Dora and Diego were over, even past Backyardigans.

We were getting ready to leave to run some errands and I'm putting on his coat. The tv was still on. Baby Dude runs over to the TV, waves and says, "Hi Cheese!"

*scratching my head here - there is a new show about cheese?*

I look up and it was Sponge Bob!

Later, in Target, we passed some Sponge Bob pj's and he notices them, and again says, "Hi Cheese!"

This kid just cracks me up all the time!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

BIG News!!!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...we'll let you decide! :)
Baby Dude will be a big brother in July!