- posted by Miori
Overall, a good appointment! He weighs 18lbs, 15.5oz (5-10%), length is 28 7/8in. (50-75%) and still Mr Big Noggin at 18 1/2in. (50-75%). The height/weight thing makes him sound long and skinny but he's really pretty nice and round, lol.
The Ped is pretty sure that he had Rotavirus. Yuck! The good news is that he is completely over it and back to eating like a little piggie. He's back to his regular strength/amount of formula too...for now.Once this can of formula is gone in a week or so, we will start him on lactose-free milk - ie Lactaid. He can have no more than 16-20oz per day. A month later, we will transition him to whole milk...and if all that goes well...drumroll....we'll start to wean his Prevacid the next month!She feels like if he can't wean from his Prevacid well by 15mths, then it's time to see a GI. So, okay...we'll see how it goes.
We need to keep offering him our table food and even the things he hasn't liked...just to avoid creating a picky eater. We'll see how that goes...all he wants right now are Cheerio's and bananas!
She's going to do a referral to a neurosurgeon at Children's to look at the shape of the back of his head. I'm not super worried about it but just want to rule things out...and she feels the same.
Definitely gonna stay rear facing in the carseat for a while...which is fine by me!
He got 3 shots...poor kid, he's been poked and prodded so much the past week!
Oh - and she thinks that he is ahead in terms of social/emotional/language skills, but a bit behind in his gross motor skills. Sounds like my kid for sure! She'll only get worried if he's not walking by 18mths and isn't concerned about his funny crab/bear crawl.
I think that's it! So tired of being in that office...3 times in less than a week...but they are great...just tired of Dr's, kwim?