It's all about the 'tude!
Originally uploaded by Meazie
Who can resist doing the Baby Mohawk when he's got wet hair? ;)
Who can resist doing the Baby Mohawk when he's got wet hair? ;)
He's looking so grown up these more baby...ALL toddler. It's such a fun age! :)
Lately, Baby Dude has been way into his ducks. He has a yellow rubber duckie and then another yellow duck that plays music and can be pulled behind him.He has been insisting on sleeping with his rubber ducker. If I put him in his crib without it, he cries for "guck, guck."
His crib is now pretty full with his duck, Elmo, Pooh and Diego blanket...not to mention the 3-5 paci's in there too!
Last night, I heard something over the monitor and wasn't sure if he had sneezed or coughed. A few seconds later I hear him same "choo" "choo" I guess he sneezed!
The life and times of the Baby Dude!!
The life and times of the Baby Dude!!