Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's all about the 'tude!

It's all about the 'tude!
Originally uploaded by Meazie

Who can resist doing the Baby Mohawk when he's got wet hair? ;)

Sunday, June 17, 2007


We took Baby Dude to one of the indoor city pools today. It has a huge wading pool and also a warm water therapy pool too, so it's great for kids.

When we first got in the wading pool, Baby Dude was just not too sure about it. Plus, the water was kinda cold. I'm not sure what we expected, but I think we thought he'd just love it and start playing right away - nope. :(

So, we switched to the warm water pool, and he relaxed more, even put his little head back on my shoulder while I walked around the water and swayed him in it. Then, all of sudden, he perked up, starting pointing at the "ish" (fish) on the walls, splashing and smiling!

Daddy wanted to take him back to the wading pool but I wasn't so sure. Within a few minutes, Baby Dude was out of Daddy's arms and walking in the water! There was a ball nearby and that made all the difference. He threw the ball in the water, then tried to walk and get it. He fell a few times but Daddy was right there to catch him. :)

After an hour, he was getting the shivers and it was past nap time, so we headed to the family changing room - those things are so great, btw! Well, let's just say he was NOT happy about getting out of the water, getting showered off or getting dressed.

Got to the car, handed him some Teddy Grahams and juice, but he was still just so mad! :favorites21: Ah, gotta love the two's - and we are not even there yet!

Made it home and put him to bed...where he took a nice three hour nap!

Daddy said it was the best Father's Day gift just to get to play in the pool with Baby Dude.

(Sorry - no pictures to share. We left the camera at home. Next time...)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

He's 100% Toddler Now

So serious!
Originally uploaded by Meazie

He's looking so grown up these days...no more baby...ALL toddler. It's such a fun age! :)

Bedtime Fun!

Aww...sleeping so peacefully.
Originally uploaded by Meazie

Lately, Baby Dude has been way into his ducks. He has a yellow rubber duckie and then another yellow duck that plays music and can be pulled behind him.He has been insisting on sleeping with his rubber ducker. If I put him in his crib without it, he cries for "guck, guck."

His crib is now pretty full with his duck, Elmo, Pooh and Diego blanket...not to mention the 3-5 paci's in there too!

Last night, I heard something over the monitor and wasn't sure if he had sneezed or coughed. A few seconds later I hear him same "choo" "choo"....so I guess he sneezed!

My Little Chatterbox!

My parents have a house that is on about an acre of land and has a huge garden plot. We've decided, as a family, to grow all that we can this summer and freeze or can what we can't eat. So, today my Mom, Baby Dude and I went over to K-Mart to get seeds and plants. Saturday is Garden Day.

Baby Dude had a running commentary the whole time. He's becoming quite the chatterbox.'

He dropped his Diego straw cup full of juice "Uh-oh go-go juuz" (Uh oh Diego juice)

He can now hold a little baggie full of snacks, which is so handy for me! He's in the shopping cart with his baggie of grapes, string cheese and crackers. "Mmm", "Goo-goo-gooey" "Eat, Eat!", "Melmo!" (they are Elmo & Big Bird crackers), "Tweet Tweet" for Big Bird. :)

When his snacks were all gone, he handed me the empty bag, signed all done and said "don", which I think was supposed to be gone. That was a new one!

Walking by a display of those large bouncy balls..."ooh!" "ball, ball, ball!" "yeez!" (please) Who could resist?

He loves his Doodle Pro and has a small travel version. We had brought it with him and he was doodling while sitting in the shopping cart. I asked him what he was drawing and he said "Melmo" LOL!

Today, it was a full sentence, I swear! "Daddy go?" (meaning, where is Daddy?) He spies Daddy in the den and says, "Oh! Ee-he-is! Daddy! (Oh, here he is, Daddy)

And best of all, I've finally become Mama! It took 22 months, but now he will regularly call me Mama! :) It was so worth the wait.