Sunday, June 10, 2007

My Little Chatterbox!

My parents have a house that is on about an acre of land and has a huge garden plot. We've decided, as a family, to grow all that we can this summer and freeze or can what we can't eat. So, today my Mom, Baby Dude and I went over to K-Mart to get seeds and plants. Saturday is Garden Day.

Baby Dude had a running commentary the whole time. He's becoming quite the chatterbox.'

He dropped his Diego straw cup full of juice "Uh-oh go-go juuz" (Uh oh Diego juice)

He can now hold a little baggie full of snacks, which is so handy for me! He's in the shopping cart with his baggie of grapes, string cheese and crackers. "Mmm", "Goo-goo-gooey" "Eat, Eat!", "Melmo!" (they are Elmo & Big Bird crackers), "Tweet Tweet" for Big Bird. :)

When his snacks were all gone, he handed me the empty bag, signed all done and said "don", which I think was supposed to be gone. That was a new one!

Walking by a display of those large bouncy balls..."ooh!" "ball, ball, ball!" "yeez!" (please) Who could resist?

He loves his Doodle Pro and has a small travel version. We had brought it with him and he was doodling while sitting in the shopping cart. I asked him what he was drawing and he said "Melmo" LOL!

Today, it was a full sentence, I swear! "Daddy go?" (meaning, where is Daddy?) He spies Daddy in the den and says, "Oh! Ee-he-is! Daddy! (Oh, here he is, Daddy)

And best of all, I've finally become Mama! It took 22 months, but now he will regularly call me Mama! :) It was so worth the wait.

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