Friday, July 27, 2007

New tricks from my Little Stinker!

Two (or almost) is a fun age - but a really tough one too! Luckily, the good times out number the bad for the most part.

He is most definitely in another developmental phase and I think it's mostly about doing things on his own, communicating what he wants and not being able to do either of those things the way he wants to yet. But, he's also learning some funny things too!

He asks for "hep" (help) a lot - when he needs something, can't reach it, etc. His latest game - he'll say "Uh oh! Hep" and I'll ask him what he needs help with. He'll smirk and say "Dee Dee" - which means that he wants to watch TV! He'll do this in the car, the store - places where we are no where near the tv.

The past few nights he has been EXTREMELY clingy before bed time. We go through his same routine, and he'll reach for me if he is in Daddy's arms. He throws his arms around my neck, wraps his legs around my waist, puts his head on my shoulder and says "oh Mama" in this sweet voice. Then, he'll stay like that until I pry him off. As much as I love the snuggles, he must go to bed at some point and he's too heavy to hold for too long. Of course, getting put down does not make him happy and he'll scream, even after I leave the room. :(

He ate a lot of waffles for breakfast when we were in MT - part of the continental breakfast, lol. So, now he wants waffles every day and all the time! No fresh waffles here, just Eggo, lol. So, he'll go to the freezer door, knock on it and say "Hello? Waffle?" It cracks me up!

Today, we were in the Mall and I told him we were going home. "No No No! Eat!" *sigh* He has now associated going to the Mall with eating Chik-Fil-A! He LOVES their nuggets. So, we made a quick stop and got some nuggets, sat by the big water fountain and had an impromptu lunch.

Baby Dude jabbers ALL the time and I just know that when he really gets his vocabulary down, he is going to be a little chatterbox and never be quiet!

After some struggling, he has decided that holding our hand in public is ok because it means he gets to walk and not be in the stroller. When he wants to go somewhere, he walks over and says "a hand!" I think he picked that up from us always telling him that he has to hold our hand. It's so cute to look down and see this little person just trotting along holding your hand.

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